Mental Wanderings

Accidental cord pull

I am within hospitals constantly for work and this means that when the urge to go potty comes, I will, of course, use the restrooms there. Most of these bathrooms have that emergency button and a cord to pull is someone is in there and requires assistance.

One day I had my earbuds in, listening to my music in one ear and emptying my bladder. Once I was done, I heard some frantic knocking and concerned voices. Apparently at one moment during my act, I had accidentally pulled the cord enough to trigger the nurse’s station and there were medical professionals trying to determine if they needed to enter the bathroom to help. It would have been wonderful if I had had an actual problem which required their help but honestly all I was trying to do was… not get the door opened on me while my pants were still down. Yikes. They don’t automatically do that, thank goodness, but that screams in the back of your mind while you’re loudly letting them know that you’re actually okay.

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