Food and Drink

Saving the last bite

I am sure I’m not the only person who will be enjoying a meal and save the last bite which looks the best. It might be the piece of something that’s the plumpest, the one with the most sauce or the thickest piece which once it’s the last one, will end off the entire meal into one incredible event. Now, I have had terrible moments where that final piece fell off the plate and even one to the floor, so I was left with the want of the finishing touch of the bite.

Stress Management

That hot shower just hits right, I tell you

I don’t usually do really hot showers because they can be scalding. Every once in a while, I step in too soon after the water has been in the pipes for the better part of a hot day and that water comes out burning like a McDonald’s coffee, I tell you. It’s enough to peel the skin off your booty. I prefer a heat between a cooling down soup to a soothing hot cocoa which cascades over the body and takes away the aches but won’t cause third degree burns. Yes, I will throw into a coldish shower every once in a while, so that I can screech like a howler monkey all the while turning blue, but that cold water wakes your butt up quick, let me tell you.

Mental Wanderings

Finding a crispy spot on your skin

Sometimes it happens when I am carelessly running through the mass of curls atop my head where the tips of my fingers find this crusty little thing on my scalp. The most recent finding was when I caressed my belly area and felt what felt like little scabs but I could not identify how it had happened. Was I scratching my skin while sleeping? Am I being attacked by some unknown buggies as I rest, with them leaving little trails of scabs, recovering across my belly? What is going on to the skin upon my body that I am not aware of? It’s both fascinating and terrifying.

Mental Wanderings

Mentally exhausted from the storm

Today I was working offsite, putting in a full day of running around, fixing what I could. It was an hour before my end of workday and the drive back was supposed to take 35 minutes. The one thing that the GPS did not take into account was this hideous, vision impairing due to heavy rainstorm which hit the instant I got onto the interstate. It poured down so hard that there was nearly no visibility of the cars ahead of me. I would focus onto the white lines of the road because you could not see a good ten feet ahead. Lucky for us, the roads were full of cars but a lot of people slowed to a crawl or pulled over it seemed because suddenly there was a lot of clearing ahead, making it easy for me to not worry about a car coming up on my immediate proximity. What should have been a bit over thirty minutes turned into a full hour of straining my vision to see ahead and maintain a good driving speed while battling the windshield beginning to fog up. Yes, I was a bit worried – not for my own driving because I am confident in that but in the way some others were being jerks. One big van swerved in and out like if the weather was not being a pain and they concerned me until they disappeared somewhere down the line. Made it home, safe and sound so I cannot complain.

Food and Drink

The basil plant that didn’t want to stop

Eight years ago, I was convinced I could cultivate and grow a “green thumb”, learn how to maintain plants and keep them alive. I watched YouTube videos and read a few articles online, so I threw in and purchased a longish plant holder and put about three different plants: a basil plant and others. The main one I will talk about is the basil plant because my thought was, “I like eating caprese salad and making my own spaghetti sauce so I will pull off a few leaves from my basil to make these meals.”

It went well for a bit, I would pick up fresh ball of mozzarella and a thick tomato to make the caprese salad, sprinkling some sliced up basil atop the slice fruit and cheese, a few days later I even made spaghetti a few times but in the in-between times, this basil kept growing. The leaves bloomed, the plant filled out and overwhelmed the small potting container. I found myself trying to find more recipes where I could actively use the leaves but it because too much, too quickly. After a few weeks, the plant had taken over the potting container and become this massive thing which I would need to feed many people to overcome the load of green leaves this plant was pumping out. The basil had to go. With a heavy heart (and a belly overflowing with the green leaves) I gave it away to someone who could eat more of it. I hope the plant provided them with many delicious meals.

Food and Drink

That meat rub

I have found a very fun meat rub which I throw onto my chicken before popping it into the oven to bake or into the pork as it slowly cooks in seasoned broth, making both meals absolutely delicious. I normally use my sazons but while at my local supermarket I walked past a rub which was on special and the curiosity made me pick it up. What a delicious treat to throw some of that sweet heat onto the meats I have been cooking. Am I actually barbequing any of the meats I am cooking? No, but I don’t let that deter me. I could possibly make my own rub but this brand does not seem to have any weirdo named items packed into their ingredients so I plan to keep stocking up on it.

Mental Wanderings

A lot of reading on cellphone

I was considering purchasing an e-reader recently because I tend to use my older version 10 inch tablet for reading and it can be a handful to hold and carry into places. When I go to have my car repaired and need something to entertain me, I charge it up and take it where I can easily go through a book which I had previously downloaded onto it. It’s just heavy and a bit cumbersome when holding it for hours but the thought of spending that money when I already have something gives me pause. Am I better just sucking up the slight bother and save the money for something I truly need, like that washing machine which is coming up on its last leg now. My best friend mentioned that she does most of her reading on her cellphone and just thinking about that makes my eyes hurt. Scrolling on IG is very different from actual reading where you want to focus so much to get into the novel – at least I do.

Mental Wanderings

Tiny homes, tiny apartments in Japan

When I was searching for a home, two decades ago, my only stipulation was that it have at least two bedrooms and two bathrooms with an enclosed garage, for security reasons. I was able to find that, and more since it’s actually a three-bedroom home but I have been finding myself watching some Youtube videos on an American living in Japan who visits these tiny apartments which are mostly used by students or individuals who simply live… simply. The individuals who he interviews are living their best life in the small spaces they have chosen to be their homes. I personally would go bonkers with my claustrophobia but if they can handle it, then awesome for them.