Food and Drink

The unforgettable birthday cake

Mami is not a baker, though she can make really wonderful and tasty meals. She is not fluent in English, can defend herself in speaking but reading is a total no. It was around 1985 and I was all of fifteen years old, she and Papi decided to bake a birthday cake for our little five people family. It was one of those years that there was no family get together with my uncle and aunt and their families. We lived in NY at the time and it was due to X or Y reason.

So my parents got together to bake a cake, decorate it and celebrate with just us (my parents, two brothers and I). You would think they would have purchased a ready made mix to make it easier but not, for some reason they went full fledge and got all the items to make it from scratch which would have been great if in 1985 we had the internet and YouTube or anything of this substance to help. Nope. These two beloved parents went ahead and picked up or picked out from the pantry what the considered to be the needed ingredients.

No measuring (she still does her cooking freehand) and no real instructions.

Lo and behold, the cake was baked, frosted with a store bought frosting and we gathered around to celebrate and enjoy the cake made with so much love. Well, normally in a Hallmark movie, that’s how it goes. That cake was so hard that it could not even be cut, let alone be digested. It has gone down in infamy as the unforgettable birthday cake which is probably in a landfill waiting 1,000 years for nature to break it down. Since that time Mami has baked again and the results have been a mixed bag. I have provided her some Spanish written recipes and she has improved though she does admit she still does not measure.