Mental Wanderings

More than half the year is gone

In the next few days we will be in August, past the halfway point for what we call a year. For me this is how a year goes: Jan Feb and March are the slow ones.. they never seem to end even though Feb has the least amount of days to it. Then the middle months are there.. just chugging along. When the calendar hits mid Oct, that’s when the insanity of it all begins to really churn out the days and the end of the year, going from Holiday to Holiday and then *bloop* a new year to celebrate.

It’s amazing just how quickly it all gears up and then seems to slow back down while folks are financially and emotionally processing everything they’ve gone through. So now it’s almost August and I hear the roller coaster click clacking its way towards 2020. Hold on tight. It’s going to be a ride,

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